Say No to Holiday Stress
December 2023 | EBC Printing & Signs

The holidays can be a stressful time for many. While spending time with friends and family is great, it can bring a lot of burden. Making sure the gifts are purchased and wrapped, the house is clean, and the food is ready can be a lot, especially when already working full time!

Here are some ways to help your holiday stress at bay:

Plan Ahead
Simply planning ahead can make an event a lot less stressful. Some things you may want to plan include your gift list, holiday menu, and traveling plans.

Your gift list can be created on a Word Document or even on your mobile phone notes app. First, mark down everyone who you are exchanging with this year. Then, set a budget for each. You may then jot down some gift ideas next to that person’s name. This will help you be on the lookout for discounts and deals on those items, while shopping. Be sure to shop around for the best value!

Similarly with a holiday menu, making a list is a good place to start. What are you looking to serve? Will other guests be bringing items as well? Once you figure out what you need for your contributions, make a list of the items you need. Many of the items can be shopped for in the weeks leading up to the holiday. Dairy items or lunch meat should be purchased the week of. Be sure to check your circulars to find the best price.

Traveling plans are a little bit different and will depend on where you are going. You will need to figure out the date of travel and whether you need to get there by car, plan, or bus/train. If using public transportation, you will want to be sure to book your reservations in advance as holidays do fill up fast! If driving to your destination, give yourself enough time to get to your destination by factoring potential traffic, which will help you feel less stressed. Being late can put a lot of stress on you! In addition, if traveling with kids, be sure to pack snacks and drinks and maybe some toys. 

Set a Budget
Determine how much you can realistically spend on your gifts and holiday meal. Overspending is one of the top reasons for stress during the holiday season. You don’t want to spend the next year paying off your holiday debt!

Ask for Help
Be realistic and don’t take on everything by yourself. You should not be expected to do everything. It is okay to ask for help! If you are hosting a big holiday dinner, asking each guest to contribute a dish can be an easy way to ask for help and allows your guest to be part of the fun.

Share Your Feelings
Feeling stressed? It’s okay to express that. Sometimes saying it aloud can help a great deal.

Take a Break
Don’t forget to take a break! It is important for your well-being. Enjoying a hot bath or reading a chapter of your favorite book can be a great way to unwind. 

Create a Good Vibe
Setting the right vibe for your environment is important for your mood. Holiday music might make you happy, or perhaps tranquil music is more your style. Find whatever makes you feel good and create your space!

We hope these tips are helpful when the stress starts to sink in!


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