Have a Heart! The Art of Volunteering & Giving Back

February 2024 | EBC Printing & Signs

“The heart of a volunteer is never measured in size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others.”

February is heart month and the month of love! What better way to show some love to those around you than by volunteering in your community?

Volunteering offers a host of benefits, both for you as an individual and for those you're serving. It’s truly a win-win for everyone!

Here are a few:

  1. Meet new people - Volunteering helps you connect with others who have shared values, leading to more meaningful relationships.
  2. Gain knowledge and skills - Going outside your comfort zone allows you to learn new things and even gain new skills. You can then apply these skills in other areas of your life and work.
  3. Have a purpose - Being a part of something bigger allows you to have purpose which in turn leads to more happiness.

How to Get Started with Volunteering

There are many types of volunteer experiences you can delve into. How do you choose the one that is best for you?

Think about what you're good at and what you like, then pick something related to that. Or, you could try something completely new to step outside your comfort zone. Time is also another key factor. You should consider how much time you have to volunteer and choose something that fits within your schedule.

Some examples include:

  • Walking dogs at a local animal shelter
  • Doing crafts with the elderly at a nursing home
  • Building homes with Habitat for Humanity
  • Tutoring an underprivileged child

To explore local volunteer opportunities, visit the Volunteer Center of the Lehigh Valley (volunteerlv.org)

How Can My Company Help?

Volunteering as a work group can be a wonderful way to get involved, will make your company known in the community, and can give your company a positive reputation.

Volunteering as a team can also assist in solidifying teamwork and communication skills, which in turn makes for better employees.

Managers may also consider offering Volunteer Days, just as if they would Wellness Days, which allows the employee a paid day to volunteer in the community. This method is unique because it inspires the employee to volunteer while giving them the ability to choose the volunteer experience that best fits their personality and preference. Team members can then present what they learned to the larger group after the experience. This can even be incorporated into an Employee Training Program.

Sharing Experiences with Others 

Once you begin volunteering consistently, you can share what you and your employees have learned in your blog or on your company’s social media pages. This can be a fun way to involve your customers and showcase your love for your community.

“ You make a living by what you get. You make life by what you give.” - Winston Churchill

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