Becoming Your Best Self: 3 Steps to Self Improvement

September 2023 | EBC Printing & Signs

There is no better time to sit down and reflect on your life and determine areas for improvement. September is Self Improvement Month after all!

Perhaps you want to be a better leader at work or a more patient parent at home. Whatever your goals are, you can work toward becoming the best version of yourself.

Step 1: Evaluate.
Take a look at your life and determine what is not working. Think about what you can do to make improvements in those areas.

Step 2: Set goals for yourself.

Take a look at what you’d like to improve about yourself. These can be personal or work related. Make a list and jot down ideas of how you can accomplish them. Remember to make your goals attainable and measurable!

It helps to display your goals where you can see them daily. Hang them on your fridge or somewhere you frequent. You can make a vision board by cutting words and images from magazines and newspapers. It’s like creating art for your new life vision to hang on the wall.

As you work towards your goals, here are some areas to focus on:

  • Get enough sleep.
    Twenty-five percent of people sleep less than what is recommended for their age. According to the sleep foundation, most adults need at least seven hours of sleep each night. These numbers can vary based on personal factors. Having health issues or having a highly physical job may require more rest, for example. Not only should you get enough sleep, but you should work towards getting quality sleep. This may mean unplugging from your device thirty to sixty minutes before bed, cutting down on caffeine, and practicing a daily bedtime routine.

  • Cut down on screen time.
    Too much screen time is not good for our physical or mental health. Spend less time on your phone and TV. Stay active to keep your mind and body healthy. Go for a walk, read a book, or explore a new hobby.

  • Practice better time management.
    The more efficient you are with how you spend your time, the less stressed you will be. Organize your day, prioritize urgent tasks, and accept that not everything can be completed in one day, and that’s alright! Set deadlines for yourself to stay on track.

  • Exercise.
    Adding 30 minutes of exercise into your day can be great for overall health. The release of endorphins helps to reduce stress and depression, while the exercise itself keeps muscles strong and weight down.

  • Read.
    There are so many books on the market that can help you on your journey to improve. Some great self-help books to explore include: “You Are a Badass” by Jen Sincero; “Declutter Your Mind” by J.J. Scott; “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey; “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg; and “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F” by Mark Manson.

  • Think Positive.
    Your mindset has a large effect on your health. Negative thinking leads to fear, anxiety, and low self-worth. Challenge yourself to negativity at bay and practice positive thinking by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.

Step 3: Reward yourself.
Reward yourself along the way as you hit each goal. This will help to keep you motivated and push you to keep going.
Improving unhappy areas in life can boost performance at home and work, leading to a better overall life.

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